As you navigate your way through the murky and enigmatic world of The Quarry. You will be forced to make difficult choices and engage in calculated risk-taking in order to stay alive and discover the mysteries that everyone is keeping hidden. There is an instance in which you will need the password to Travis’s Computer at The Quarry. This guide will assist you in locating the clues that will lead you to the password in an easy and efficient manner.

How to break into Travis’s Computer & find the password?
The first time you talk to Travis as Laura while playing The Hackett’s Quarry, it will be during the prologue when the automobile accident takes place. Travis is the Sheriff of The Hackett’s Quarry.
You will find yourself at the police station when Travis is out hunting while you are doing your investigation into the secrets that Travis is keeping about The Quarry. You will find a computer that is Travis’s at some point in your adventure.
There will be a hint to the password, and after revealing the hint, you will quickly realize that the password is Travis’s Birthday, which is probably not the password you should typically go for if you are trying to hide secrets. There will be a hint to the password, and after revealing the hint, you will quickly realize that the password is Travis’s Birthday.
Moving on, if you want to discover Travis’s birthday, you need proceed upstairs and enter the first chamber on the left side of the staircase. There, you will find some hints. You will find a birthday card tacked to a bulletin board on the inside of the room.
After taking a closer look at the card, you will see that it is in fact a card sent to Travis by his mother. In it, she reveals the birth year by stating that he is now 56 years old. The only pieces of information that remain are the birth date and the birth month.
Go to the very last room on the top level. There, in the far back of the room next to the turned-over lockers, you will find a calendar with Travis’s name written on it. Examining this calendar will provide you with the remaining clues.
Now that you have all of the information, you may go back to the computer, and Laura will enter the password automatically. After you have successfully unlocked the computer, you will see the “Bizarre Yet Bonafide Podcast” on the screen.
While you listen to the podcast, you will find out a lot of secrets that will be of assistance to you when you are deciding what steps to do next.