The Quarry does contain a function called “Chapter Select“. This function enables players to bypass the need of playing through each chapter. Especially, in order to get to the one they choose to play first. In The Quarry, gaining access to Chapter Select may be done by following the instructions in this tutorial.

In comparison to the other games in the Until Dawn and The Dark Pictures Anthology series. The Quarry has a more extensive network of branching and linking tales involving several characters. Finding a number of different artifacts like evidences, clues, and tarot cards. This is what it comes down to in order to access the various endings of the game.
Remember that every character in The Quarry is susceptible to death or survival. This is all based on the decisions you make during the game. Therefore, having access to the Chapter Select menu offers you the liberty to go back. It also allows you to make an informed decision about which option to select.
How to access the Chapter Select?
The Chapter Select option will, of course, not be accessible right away once the game has begun. In order to access the Chapter Select menu, the whole game must be completed at least once.
When you have completed the game. You will have access to all ten of the available chapters. You will be able to choose whichever one you want to begin with. This is helpful if you are attempting to rescue everyone in order to obtain the finest possible ending.
Unlocking Chapter Select does have a few restrictions attached to it.
The Chapter Select menu
The Chapter Select menu does not provide unrestricted access to all of the available options. After you have entered the chapter of your choice. The Chapter Select option will be locked to that chapter and will no longer be accessible for any other chapters.
That means that if you choose to start again in a different chapter. You won’t be able to access Chapter Select. Not until you’ve completed all of the other chapters and earned the right to do so.
For instance, if you choose to begin the game at Chapter 5. You will be required to play through the whole of the game. Beginning from Chapter 5 all the way through to the finish. The Chapter Select option won’t become accessible again until that point. You won’t be able to play through Chapter 5. Then immediately switch gears to Chapter 2 or Chapter 3 after that.
Chapter Select forces you to do this
In a similar manner, Chapter Select compels you to go through the game in chronological order. There is no way to skip forward two or three chapters. This also implies that any choices or decisions you make inside a chapter that you selected using Chapter Select will not be reset and will carry over into subsequent chapters and the rest of the game until you exit it.
For instance, if you begin the game in Chapter 5 and make a specific decision, you will not be able to use Chapter Select to skip ahead to Chapter 10 and see how the ending is affected by the decision you made in Chapter 5. This is because Chapter 10 is dependent on the decision you made in Chapter 5.
All your collectibles are reset
When you utilize Chapter Select to restart the game from a certain chapter, any and all collectibles that you obtained during the previous gameplay will be deleted and you will begin that particular chapter with nothing.
As a result, you won’t be able to restart the game to look for the remaining items that you skipped during the first time you played through the game. If you do decide to go back, you won’t be able to discover any of them until you go through the full chapter again.
For instance, if you skip forward in the game and start at Chapter 5, all of the items that you obtained between Chapters 5 and 10 in your prior gameplay would be deleted.