The Quarry has a terrific story-driven plot that forks at every chance to create a complex web of choices and results.

You have the opportunity to go through the game twice. You have the option of saving all of the counselors (unlocking the Rough Night achievement) or killing them all (unlocking the Hackett’s Quarry Massacre achievement) for the respective endings.
The Quarry is intended to be played several times. This is done on purpose to see the repercussions of each and every option in each chapter. This article will teach you how to kill or save any character in the game, simplifying the procedure.
This does, however, need reading a great deal of spoilers. If you want to appreciate The Quarry, you should stop reading now. Otherwise, continue on to find out how to murder or rescue everyone for yourself.
Kill or save Jacob?
The first scene in the narrative is a group of friends who are having a good time. While sitting around a fire when they hear something rustling in the bushes. They are the only ones in the forest at that time, so they reason that the noise must have come from an animal. It was revealed that the person making the rustling sound was in fact Jacob. He was returning home after hunting for Abagail.
You will have two opportunities to fire into the bushes as the character Ryan. Each of them will be available to you. Should you choose to go through with this plan, Jacob will be taken out with the second shot.
It is imperative that you do not fire into the bushes at either of the two opportunities presented to you if you want to rescue Jacob. This will prevent you from accidently shooting Jacob when he is hiding in the bushes.
Kill or save Emma?
During this portion of the scene. Emma is alone herself in the woods as she descends the steps leading to the Treehouse below. Then, she hears a disturbance coming from the direction of the trapdoor.
It will be up to Emma to decide whether she will proceed through the Treehouse or if she will open the trapdoor in order to discover the source of the commotion outside.
Should you make the decision to uncover the trapdoor, Emma will be devoured by the beast that lurks beyond.
Choose to check Emma’s purse for anything helpful if you want to be able to help her out of this predicament. She will look for a toolbox and then utilize some of the items within to obstruct the treehouse’s trapdoor. In the end, Emma will be able to protect herself from the monster, and she will live through the ordeal.
Kill or save Abagail?
Before Abagail gets kicked out of the pool house by Nick. She is seen in this scene inside the pool house. After that, Abagail will have the opportunity to kill him with a rifle.
It has been determined that Nick will, in any case, turn into a monster. If you opt not to shoot him or you miss your shot. Nick will change into a monster, murder Abagail. Then escape the scene via the window of the pool house.
Make the decision to shoot Nick if you wish to keep Abagail alive. He will be able to survive the shooting. However, he will quickly escape via the window before he can harm her.
Kill or save Travis?
You have taken control of Laura, who is now resting in her bed inside of the police station. After that, with Max’s assistance, you will concoct a plan to murder Travis by having Laura act as if she has been injured in some way.
Travis is going to see her in her cell to see how she is doing. During the time that Travis is examining her, Laura takes her revolver and ends Travis’s life.
During the time that you spend investigating the police station. You will have the opportunity to choose a syringe for yourself. It is imperative that you use this syringe on Travis. In order to render him unconscious while he is examining you in order to save his life. This will prevent him from dying.
Kill or save Nick?
Do you remember what happened in the last chapter when Nick turned into a monster? While Ryan and Laura are exploring the Hackett House. They stumble upon a cell that seems like it may be a prison. They enter the cave and discover a creature within, which they take to be Nick.
In point of fact, that monster is Nick. For the sake of everyone’s safety, hunters have captured and imprisoned him. After then, Laura opened the door to the cell and shot Nick.
It is imperative that you prevent Laura from unlocking the cage in order to preserve Nick’s life. If this occurs, she will refrain from shooting Nick. Eventually, he will be able to recover from his wounds in subsequent chapters.
Kill or save Dylan?
You are playing the role of Kaitlyn for this adventure. You are now searching the junkyard for a vehicle to drive. Dylan suddenly notices, as he is perched atop the crane, that the motion sensor lights are being activated by something in the distance. After giving it more attention, he came to the conclusion that it was the monster, so he blew the horn to alert Kaitlyn.
This plan is doomed to failure, as the monster rushes over to attack Nick as soon as he hears the horn. If Kaitlyn fails to destroy the monster with the automobile, it will go after Dylan and murder him. However, if she is successful, she will have the opportunity to do so.
In order to rescue Dylan, Kaitlyn has to successfully complete the Quick–Time Event by defeating the monster without missing. This will result in Kaitlyn killing the monster, which will ultimately save Dylan’s life.
Kill or save Laura & Ryan?
This time around, Laura has reverted to her evil ways and is attempting to murder Travis. In the end, Ryan will get the opportunity to kill Chris Hackett, which will result in Laura’s life returning to normal.
In order to exact his vengeance on Laura for shooting Travis in the cell in Chapter 7, Travis will eventually murder Laura by stabbing her with a shard of glass. After that, he puts an end to Ryan’s life by shooting him in the face.
Take notice that there is absolutely nothing you can do to help Laura and Ryan in this particular chapter. What you accomplished in Chapter 7 will determine everything moving forward. If you hadn’t shot Travis back then in the prison cell, he would have been kind to Laura and Ryan and wouldn’t have bothered them.
If you shot Travis in Chapter 7, you will need to go back and redo the chapter so that you do not shoot him in order to win his compassion in following chapters.
Kill or save Max?
Max is there on the island throughout this period. There is a quick-time event that takes place, and if Max makes the decision to swim toward shore, he will be slain by Caleb in his monster form when he gets there. Caleb is waiting for him there.
Max will live even if you opt to remain on the docks since Caleb is on the opposite side of the river. Should you decide to swim, he will perish as a result of your actions.
Kill or save Kaitlyn?
In “The Quarry,” Kaitlyn is one of the very last persons to lose their life. When Kaitlyn and Caleb are together at the Lodge, the event takes place there. Take note of the fact that Caleb is a demon in this scenario.
When Caleb gets approaching the stairs, a quick-time event takes place, and if you opt to wait, you offer Caleb the opportunity to murder Kaitlyn and give him more time to do it.
When the quick-time event occurs, Kaitlyn will be able to stay alive as long as she makes the decision to shoot Caleb on the stairs.
Unlocking the Everyone Dies Ending
Once all nine of the counselors on the Quarry have been eliminated, you will have completed the requirements necessary to acquire the achievement Hackett’s Quarry Massacre.
Unlocking the Everyone Survives
Everyone Survives is a reward that will be given to you if all of the playable characters make it through the game and you have successfully acquired all of the collectibles.
You will get a prize from Family Matters if you have successfully eliminated every member of the Hacketts family in order to qualify for the award. In addition to that, the Rough Night Trophy will be yours.