In order to get the achievement “Blood Pact” in “The Quarry,” you will need to infect each and every individual that appears in the narrative. Because there is also an accomplishment called Rough Night that demands you to save all of the characters, it is likely that you will need to go through Chapter Select and play the game more than once.

Someone may get infected with the disease if they are mauled or bitten by the monster that is spreading it. If certain decisions are taken during a certain chain of events, then every character in the game will end up in the waiting claws of the monster if the correct circumstances are created.
This guide will walk you through those options and teach you how to infect each and every individual in The Quarry.
How do you infect every character easily?
Take notice that there are three characters who do not need you to infect them with the virus. As the story progresses, it is inevitable that Laura, Max, and Nick will get infected with the virus.
Following is a list of the remaining characters that must be infected in order for you to get the Blood Pact accomplishment.
- Abigail (Chapter 3)
- Emma (Chapter 4)
- Dylan (Chapter 5)
- Jacob (Chapter 6)
- Ryan (Chapter 9)
- Kaitlyn (Chapter 9)
How to get Abigail Infected?
In order to infect Abigail, you must first ensure Nick’s survival during the monster onslaught in Chapter 3.
If you notice Nick being attacked, you should assist him in escaping the situation. Because of this, the monster will attack you in the following phase. Now, simply throw the monster off of you and make a hasty exit from that location.
Now, continue sprinting while pressing the R-Up button, and make it through the Smash event. You will go on until you reach a place where you are required to halt near to a tree. It is imperative that you do not attempt to scale the tree. You just need to fail the Hold Your Breath event for Abigail to get infected with the virus.
How to get Emma Infected?
In Chapter 4, as the protagonist is looking for a bag, an enemy will suddenly drop down from above. In this situation, you will need to stun the individual with the taser and then snap a picture of them.
Now get out of there as fast as you can, press R–Down, and complete the Smash event. You will now run into the monster once again, at which point you should repeatedly press the R–Up button in order to spray him.
Now, as the monster is attempting to enter the hut, you should press the R–Down button in order to block the entrance. Because there is no other way out, you will have no choice but to utilize the trapdoor.
Fail the second Quick Time Event and then click the R–Right button while the creature is inside the hut. Now, cancel the Smash event by pressing R–Up while you are fighting the monster. This will advance the story. It won’t take much more than this to infect Emma.
How to get Dylan Infected?
In the first place, you need to make Dylan more peaceful in Chapter 5. His arm is going to suffer major damage, and he is going to be afraid. Dylan will implore you to amputate his arm, but you have no choice but to say no. Refusing to have the amputation will put Dylan at risk of contracting the disease.
How to get Jacob Infected?
When playing as Jacob in Chapter 3, it is imperative that you ensure you hurl dirt at the monster. That will make it easier for you to infect him at a later time.
Fail the first quick-time event that you face when battling the monster in Chapter 6. Now, you need hurry up and complete the Smash event. After that, you will arrive at a spot where the blades that have sprung from the earth will cause you to sustain injuries. To infect Jacob at this stage, you should use the Pry Open ability rather than the Pull Free ability.
How to get Ryan infected?
Select the Sympathetic approach when you get to Chapter 9. If someone offers to help you treat your damaged arm, you should take them up on their offer. Now, you must resist the urge to draw away as the female makes a move for your arm. Ryan will get infected as a result of this.
How to get Kaitlyn Infected?
In addition, Kaitlyn has the potential to get infected in Chapter 9. She is going to make an attempt to sit in the automobile that crashed from above. At this juncture, you should avoid selecting Car Lift and R–Up in favor of the road that leads to Warn Kaitlyn.
Next, instead of picking the Sound Horn, you should go for the Slam the Car option. The monster will strike once more after Kaitlyn is injured in the fall from the automobile. Now you need to get Kaitlyn infected by failing the Quick Time Event.