The latest Pokemon Sword & Shield Max Raid event features Shiny Snom
Despite Pokemon Legends: Arceus’s dominance in the market and the fact that it is been out for almost nine months, Sword & Shield maintains a strong fanbase.
Therefore, Game Freak maintains the game with frequent updates, most frequently in the form of Wild Area competitions.
In addition to increasing the frequency with which players can capture specific shiny Pokemon, these upgrades frequently introduce previously unobtainable creatures for players to capture.
This week is no different, with Shiny Snom joining the fray in Max Raid fights for a short time.

Apparently, a new event has taken over Max Raid battles, and it is providing players the chance to catch a very rare Pokemon, as reported by Serebii.
You will only have access to the Small Pokemon Event from September 9th to the 19th, so make the most of it while you can!
Max Raids will feature Snom, Pyukumuku, and Pincurchin throughout this time. And with the spawn rate for Shiny Snom being increased to 2%, now is the time to catch one.
Do not forget that this event lasts for a full 10 days, giving you plenty of time to participate and increase your chances of obtaining a Shiny.