Welcome to our guide of “The House Of The Dead Remake: What Are The Best Tips For Beginners?”. Will you be able to defeat Curien and his spooky creatures? You can using our The House Of The Dead Remake beginners tips.

Extra Points? Shoot Background Objects!
As every other arcade game, HOTD: Remake requires you to replay the campaign to get the best score. Points are important for more than just clout. Passing certain point barriers reveals new endings. You’ll also need to pay in points after spending all your continue tokens. Of course, shooting zombies rapidly earns points. But did you notice that there will be point bonuses throughout the game? Inside most breakables are hidden items. Extra first aid supplies, for example, can be game changers. You’ll also find sparkling gold things. Shooting gold coins & golden frogs gives you bonus points. So, after smashing a box, shoot anything shiny to win points!
All creatures have a weak point that you can use
If you like zombie movies, you’re probably aware that hitting a zombie on the head kills them. But in HOTD: Remake, that isn’t always the case. You can strike a zombie on its head & still get attacked. Killing zombies faster earns more points and can save scientists. So, in HOTD: Remake, a rapid kill is essential. Now, how can you efficiently kill zombies? Every zombie has a vulnerable point to shoot. Many of their flaws are mental. Many zombies have weak places in their chests, guts, or arms. In the Creature Library, you can search up a creature’s weak places for future playthroughs. Finding weak points helps in boss confrontations. Weak spots will be displayed before every boss fight, meaning you won’t need to go to Creature Library to find them.
You’ll always get first aid kits from rescued scientists
Any dying scientist will offer you a snapshot of his colleagues, begging you to help others imprisoned in the mansion. In each chapter, these scientists are plagued by zombies. You can save them if you shoot the zombies chasing them. Saving scientists is crucial in HOTD for many reasons: Saving all the scientists, for example, gives you achievements and new weaponry. Also, rescued scientists frequently thank you with a first aid package.
So, this was our guide for “The House Of The Dead Remake: What Are The Best Tips For Beginners?”. Feel free to leave a comment below!