In The Cycle: Frontier, Titan Ores are among the most valuable things you can get. During the course of playing the game, you could have stumbled across these. You have arrived to the proper location if you are interested in learning how they may be used as well as where they can be located.

Titan Ores are an uncommon kind of ore. These may be crafted into a variety of valuable things throughout the game. These products include, but are not limited to, Backpacks and Converters. In addition, you may utilize these ores to print a variety of various objects throughout the game.
This item has a total weight of three for each individual unit. You are able to stack a maximum of ten of them together. Additionally, one stack of them may be sold at the Prospect Station for a total of 854 K-Marks. Faction Points (FP) may also be obtained from Titan Ores, and each Titan Ore is worth around 9 FP. Titan Ores are a valuable commodity. You may level up various factions in the game with these points if you want to do so.
The Titan Ore Locations
Titan ores may be found in both Bright Sands and Crescent Falls, the two areas that make up the game. There are two distinct routes to take in order to get Titan Ores.
You may either collect them by mining Brittle Titan Ore Veins or by discovering them inside Industrial Crates. Both methods are available to you. They are dispersed over the whole of both maps and may be found there.
However, it is not always guaranteed that you will get Titan Ores from the Industrial Crates; rather, there is simply a possibility of doing so. If you want to obtain Titan Ores by looting them from the Industrial Crates, you may want to consider grinding for them first.
You may also customize a Mineral Scanner to make it easier to locate Titan Ore Veins while searching for them.
When compared to the odds of finding a Titan Ore in an Industrial Crate, the chances of finding one in a Brittle Titan Ore Vein are much greater. If you mine through a Medium Brittle Titan Ore Vein, you have a chance/probability of obtaining a Titan Ore that is about equal to sixteen percent.
However, the likelihood of finding them in Industrial Crates varies based on the Tier Level of the Industrial Crates themselves. They start out at a very low level, but continue to drop with each subsequent tier increase. For instance, an Industrial Crate of Tier 02 has around a 1.46 percent chance of containing a Titan Ore, but an Industrial Crate of Tier 03 only has a 1.21 percent chance of doing so.
Titan Ore in Bright Sands
Titan Ore Veins and Industrial Cases, and consequently Titan Ores, are spread across several areas on each map, as was mentioned above. However, it is also important to mention that there are some key areas/locations on both maps where you can find a lot of them in one place. These key areas/locations can be found in the same places on both maps.
The uppermost portion of Bright Sands is where one will find the greatest concentration of Titan Ore. You may get started farming by plundering the region around Base Camp in the center of the map. After that, go to the east in order to reach East Collection Point and East Caverns. There is a good amount of Titan Ore can be found in this area.
Following that is the Dig Site, which can be found to the north, and beyond that is the Abandoned Mine. Titan Ores may also be found in considerable quantities at both of these sites.
Titan Ore in Crescent Falls
On the Crescent Falls map, you will also be able to locate a respectable quantity of Brittle Titan Ore Veins and Industrial Cases. It is important to bear in mind that this is the more challenging of the two maps; hence, it is best to arrive prepared and carry the appropriate loadout. Additionally, Veins and Cases may be found dispersed throughout the whole of the map.
On the map of Crescent Falls, there are about three main places or sites that have the highest number of Brittle Titan Ore Veins and Industrial Cases – and therefore Titan Ores – in one spot. These areas are:
On the map of Crescent Falls, the Greens Prospect, the Starport Administration Building, and the Lakeside Building are, in order, the first three locations that have the greatest number of Veins and Cases.
There is also an additional region without a name that is home to a significant quantity of brittle titan ore veins as well as industrial cases. This region may be found to the south of the area that is used for processing nutrition farms.
The remaining Brittle Titan Ore Veins and Industrial Cases may be found strewn across the map in a variety of locations.