In The Cycle: Frontier, Magic–Grow Fertilizer is a rare item that may be discovered in a number of different spots. These spots are present throughout both of the game’s landscapes, Bright Sands and Crescent Falls.

However, you may utilize this item as a crafting material. Mainly so as to create (print) other helpful things, such as the Zeus Beam. While the item itself has few uses, the material can be put to good use. They also provide you around three times as many Faction Points (FP) each unit. These are in-game currency that may be used to level up different factions.
The Magic–Grow Fertilizer has a total weight of seven pounds each container. You may stack around ten of them vertically or horizontally. If you decide to sell them, you may do so for a respectable number of K–Marks. K-Marks are the in-game money that can be obtained inside The Cycle: Frontier. If you choose to sell a unit of Magic–Grow Fertilizer, you will get a total of 338 K–Marks in return.
In The Cycle: Frontier, the location of the farms that produce Magic–Grow Fertilizer will be detailed in the following guide.
The Location of Magic-Grow Fertilizer
You may locate Magic–Grow Fertilizers in a number of places throughout both maps, either in Coolers or Hidden Stashes. These Fertilizers can be found in any location. However, the likelihood of discovering them in Coolers is far greater than that of discovering them in Hidden Stashes.
It is important to keep in mind that the chances of discovering Magic–Grow Fertilizers vary greatly depending on the tier of the location. The higher tier locations have a broader variety of things. As a direct consequence of this. The possibilities of discovering these items are dispersed around the area, resulting in reduced probability for any individual item.
For instance, a Tier Level 01 Cooler has a 30.06 percent chance of harboring a Magic–Grow Fertilizer. On the other hand a Tier Level 03 Cooler only has a 17.37 percent chance of doing so.
Locations of Bright Sands Magic-Grow Fertilizer
As was just discussed, Coolers and Hidden Stashes are two of the best places to look for Magic–Grow Fertilizers. It is also crucial to note that although they are dispersed around the globe. There are a few distinct areas in the Bright Sands map that hold a greater number of them. These locations can be found in the map’s southwestern corner.
The Waterfall Labs are the first site on the Bright Sands map. They have the highest concentration of Coolers and Hidden Stashes. This means that they also have the highest concentration of Magic–Grow Fertilizers.
You’ll be able to discover a good number of them if you begin your search at the Waterfalls and work your way down the Lake using the Waterfall Labs as a guide. You may discover a few Coolers strewn throughout the area around the Waterfall Labs. In addition to the many Coolers and one Hidden Stash that are contained inside the Waterfall Labs itself.
The second site is a ship that has sunk and is known as the Crashed Ship. It has several Hidden Stashes. You have a smaller chance of finding Magic–Grow Fertilizers among them than you do among the Coolers. However, you may make up for it here since there are so many Hidden Stashes.
You can discover a Cooler and a Hidden Stash at the Jungle Camp. Although if you proceed further up the map into the Jungle, you can find a couple more Hidden Stashes. Due to the high concentration of marauders in this region, the Jungle should be avoided at all costs. However, if you have a strong loadout and you start the game off well, it is feasible to hunt down marauders early on. If you’ve worked through all of the previous zones, you may try your luck at farming in this area.
The Woodcutter Camp is the last location, and it is the one that has the most number of Coolers. Approximately four Coolers may be found in this region. Coolers have a high chance of containing Magic–Grow Fertilizers, despite the fact that it may seem that there are less of them than other types of containers.
Locations of Crescent Falls Magic-Grow Fertilizer
In addition, the map of Crescent Falls has a good number of Coolers and Hidden Stashes that are dispersed over the area. On this map, there are about three areas that hold the greatest number of them; they are the Nutrition Farms Warehouse, the Pinnacle Labs, and the Nutrition Farms Processing, in that order. Be aware that this map is not only more challenging but also contains a greater total number of Coolers and Hidden Stashes that are more densely packed together.
On the map of Crescent Falls, the Nutrition Farms Warehouses are located in the upper-right-hand corner in the northwest. This region has the greatest concentration of Coolers, with around 14 Coolers and 1 Hidden Stash can be found here. Because there are so many coolers here, you should have no trouble finding a sufficient number of Magic–Grow Fertilizers.
On the Crescent falls map, the Pinnacle Labs have around 8 Coolers and 5 Hidden Stashes between them, making them the location with the second-highest combined total of Coolers and Hidden Stashes. This region may be located on the side of the map that is the furthest to the northeast.
In addition to a large number of Coolers, the Nutrition Farms Processing area can be located in the southwestern corner of the Crescent Falls map. This region has around 11 Coolers in total.