In The Cycle: Frontier, Glowy Brightcap Mushrooms are an extremely valuable resource that can only be obtained after a storm has passed through the area. In all other respects, they are identical to conventional Brightcap Mushrooms and may be found in the same areas.

Even though there are methods to survive storms on Fortuna, players should be aware that storms are still harmful enough to inflict a significant amount of damage if they are not cautious. This fact should be highlighted.
The primary purpose of mushrooms is to be turned into Restoration Helmets and Restoration Shields, which both contribute to an overall boost in defense. They are individually worth 506 K-Marks and provide 5 faction points, both of which may be used to assist in the advancement of faction levels.
In The Cycle: Frontier, the location of the Glowy Brightcap Mushroom can be found detailed in the following guide.
Locations of the Frontier Glowy Brightcap Mushroom
The only places in the game where you may locate Glowy Brightcap Mushrooms are in jungles and surrounding wetlands. They are also unique to the Bright Sands map and cannot be found anywhere else. There is not a single Glowy Brightcap Mushroom to be discovered at Crescent Falls.
Because of this, the process of collecting them is made somewhat simpler as a result of the reduced danger posed by Bright Sands.
Glowy Brightcap Mushrooms in the Bright Sands
There are primarily two regions that are densely populated with Glowy Brightcap Mushrooms. The first place to examine is the western part of the map, namely the Jungle and the sections immediately next to the Wrecked Ship.
During the storm, you should keep in mind that you may seek refuge aboard the ship that has crashed. It is in your best interest to make a hasty retreat to the Crashed Ship so that you may utilize it as cover if your shields are low and time is running out.
The south-western part of the map is the second place on the map where you may cultivate Glowy Brightcap Mushrooms. There are a good number of mushrooms can be found at both the Swamp Camp and the Rock Pools. You won’t need to go very far north of the wetlands to find dry land. Simply map out a path for farming that runs between the Rock Pools and the Swamp Camp.
In a similar fashion, you may utilize the Power Plant that is located in the region as cover while the storm is occurring.