In The Cycle: Frontier, Old Medicine is a common commodity. It is printed or crafted into various consumables that can assist players in regaining health points, such as Strong and Combat Stims.

Because their total profit is just 150 K Marks, selling them is not worthwhile. In order to stay alive among high-level foes and in high-tier places, you will need a significant amount of Stims. That alone is sufficient justification for maintaining a stockpile of as much Old Medicine as you are able to locate.
In addition, the Osiris faction is responsible for the possession of the artifact Old Medicine. You are eligible for two faction points for every item that was looted.
In The Cycle: Frontier, Old Medicine may be found in a variety of different locales. All of them are listed in the accompanying guide.
Finding the Old Medicine
Old Medicine may be discovered in Medical Cases across all Tier locations on a regular basis. The initial Medical Cases of Tier 1 have a spawn probability of 50 percent. Thus, making them the ones with the greatest likelihood overall. As you go through higher Tier locations, the probability of finding a spawn decreases.
Old Medicine in Bright Sands
The area around Waterfall Lab in the north–eastern corner of the map is a great place to cultivate Old Medicine. You can discover a large number of Medical Cases at this location.
You might also try your luck in the Vaccine Labs located on the eastern side of the map for additional loot. Old Medicine may also be farmed successfully in the Crashed Ship’s northern woodland sections as well as the Jungle Camp in the far west.
Old Medicine in Crescent Falls
It is recommended that you begin your search for Old Medicine in the local woodland region that is located to the north of Greens Prospect. It is likely that Pinnacle Labs, which is located in the upper-left part of the map, is the most advantageous place in Crescent Falls to loot Old Medicine.
In addition to that, you may also go to Favela, which is located in the south. There is a possibility that the item may be found at the other specified POIs as well. Old Medicine may be found in very small amounts over the whole of the map, despite its dispersed nature.