In The Cycle: Frontier, the Resin Gun is a rare item that may be “handy for adhering items together or providing flexible insulation.” It is one of the game’s secret weapons.

You can have a hard time finding a Resin Gun on Fortuna, despite the fact that it is a sort of gear that is scarce overall. When you do manage to discover one, though, be sure to keep it safe since you will soon be required to hand them in for an upcoming task or sell them for 750 K-Marks each. In addition, you may get 8 faction points every Resin Gun, which can be used to level up your factions.
Within The Cycle: Frontier, the location of the Resin Gun may be found detailed in the following guide.
Finding the Resin Gun
It is essential to have prior knowledge that Resin Gun may be discovered in large quantities in the Crescent Falls area. The same cannot be true about Bright Sands since there are only a few isolated areas where Resin Gun may be found, and even those locations are subject to random chance.
Inside of Coolers and Civilian Lockers is where you’ll locate the Resin Gun. The odds of finding a Resin Gun inside a Cooler are greatest in Tier 2 regions, with a probability of 25.40 percent. The odds of finding a Resin Gun concealed inside a Civilian Locker are among the lowest of all Lockers.
Resin Gun in Bright Sands
On Bright Sands, your best bet is to go to the Waterfall Lab in the north and the Jungle Camp in the west. Both of these locations are located in the jungle. You will be able to locate a few Resin Guns in these two places, but not enough to escape with complete stacks of them.
Resin Gun in Crescent Falls
The greatest places in Crescent Falls to cultivate Resin Guns are Pinnacle Labs and the Nutrion Farms Warehouse, which are located, respectively, in the top right and top left corners of the map.
The southern regions of Favel and Nutrion Farms Processing both feature significant quantities of Resin Guns that may be looted. You might also try making your way to the trees that surround Greens Prospect in the middle of the map. There, you will find more Resin Guns.