This is not your average first-person shooter; it’s The Cycle: Frontier. It is a first-person shooter game with competitive aspects designed for a heated massively multiplayer setting.
Therefore, your frames per second (also known as FPS) will be relevant. A greater frame rate provides a player a significant edge in twitch shooters, particularly in comparison to other players who are losing frames when engaged in gunfights.

The following instruction will try to modify your system settings in order to boost the number of frames per second (FPS) that you experience while playing The Cycle: Frontier.
Frontier is the best option for getting the most frames per second in the Cycle.
You may boost the frame rate of your game by adjusting the settings on both your own computer and inside the game itself.
Mode with Low Latency
Changing the settings on your computer before beginning the game is the greatest choice for increasing the total number of frames per second (FPS) that the game will display. You may do this by navigating to the Nvidia Control Panel or the AMD Software, respectively.
Navigate to the Settings tab on this page, and then adjust the Low latency option in the Nvidia Control panel to High or Ultra. Afterward, activate this mode in the AMD Software. Your graphics processing unit (GPU) will be able to make progress in lowering display latency and raising frame rates as a result of these.
Excellent Performance on Computers
Before you begin, check to see that your personal computer is configured for High Performance so that you can get the most out of it.
Game Mode should be enabled on Windows 10. To accomplish this, press the Windows key and the letter I together and then go to Settings > Gaming > Game Mode (left sidebar).
Adjust your Power Settings so that they are compatible with Windows 10. To do this, right-click on the battery icon located in the notification tray, and then pick Power Options from the context menu that appears. To access the power settings menu on desktop computers, go to the Control Panel > Power Options menu option. Now activate a high-performance plan by selecting the option that says “Show more plans.”
Configurations of the Game
Now that these PC settings have been optimized for the highest possible FPS output, let’s have a look at the in-game options to see how we can enhance our frame rate.
The Quality of the Resolution
The resolution at which The Cycle: Frontier will be presented may be changed by selecting this option. Choose a figure between 85 and 100, depending on the GPU you are using, to prevent a hazy view from occurring and to get the highest possible frame rate while doing so.
V-Sync should be turned off. This will enable your game to produce as many frames per second as it is capable of, independent of the refresh rate of your display. If your device has any problems when V-Sync is switched off, make sure that the V-Sync setting is adjusted so that it corresponds to the refresh rate of your display.
Only users with a graphics card from the RTX 20 or RTX 30 series have access to the DLSS option. If you have a graphics card from the RTX 20 or RTX 30 series, make sure that your DLSS is set to Quality Mode so that you get the greatest possible output.
Make sure that your Anti-Aliasing is set to medium so that you don’t have to choose between picture quality and frame rate. If you are having trouble maintaining a consistent frame rate and are willing to accept a minor reduction in picture quality, you should reduce it.
The Quality Of Shadow And Texture
The picture quality as well as the general aesthetic of the game may both be improved using any of these settings, making the game more visually appealing. Even though both settings are often maintained at high levels, switching to a medium level strikes the ideal balance between picture quality and frame rate. The dip in frame rate that occurs while using the high quality level in The Cycle: Frontier is not acceptable.
Draw Distance
Draw Distance is responsible for determining the maximum distance at which an item may be drawn. Epic is the recommended difficulty level for The Cycle: Frontier, unless you find that it puts too much strain on your FOS. Because to this option, you will be able to see attackers from a much larger distance, which will enable you to fight them more effectively.
Quality Observed After the Process
The atmosphere of the place is what contributes to the game’s already impressive visuals. This may also be maintained at the Medium level for best performance, since increasing it to high cannot justify the reduction in FPS that it would cause.
The Standard of the Visual Effects
This has an impact on the overall quality of the visual effects, including the level of detail in the different buildings and objects. It is recommended that the setting be maintained at Low since doing so enhances both the overall performance and the FPS count.
Blurring caused by motion
When your character is running or moving quickly in the game, it causes the rest of the world to become hazy and blurry. This is the worst possible option for a game like The Cycle: Frontier since it makes it more difficult to see objects as you are moving about in the game. Additionally, the setting is quite draining on your performance, and as a result, we strongly advise that you disable it.