You may improve your status with the Osiris faction in The Cycle: Frontier by accepting the “Building a Better Death Ray” mission. This is one of the many quests that are available to you.

Talking to Emmanuel Sullivan, the CEO of Osiris, is the first step in beginning the search. He will explain his strategy for transforming an old Osiris satellite into a lethal weapon to you.
The Building A Better Death Ray Quest
The first part of the quest
Your primary goal for this errand is to bring back 5 Dustblooms. Along with 10 Glowy Brightcap Mushrooms and 10 Magic–Grow Fertilizers.
The majority of dustblooms can be found to the north of Crescent Falls. They have a violet hue to their petals. It is imperative that you pay a visit to the Pinnacle laboratories. In addition to the neighborhood around the Starport Warehouse.
Getting your hands on some Glowy Brightcap Mushrooms will be difficult since you can only find them after a storm. This will make it a challenge. The jungle and the wetlands are the two environments in which they are most likely to be found.
The storm may continue for as long as five minutes. You will have this amount of time to get the materials you need. You have to make sure you are well prepared by bringing medication with you so that you can cure yourself.
You may also prevent the damage caused by the storm ticks by keeping an eye out for the red lightning that occurs throughout the storm. As soon as the lightning flashes a red hue, get away from it as quickly as possible. Only if your health bar is at least halfway full will you be able to avoid it; in the meanwhile, you should focus on healing yourself.
Magical grow fertilizers may be discovered in locations such as the Woodcutter camp. There is also a chance that they will sprout in zones such as Coolers.
- 1500 FP
- 64 Osiris Scrip
- 17,000 Krypto Marks
The second part of the quest
Delivering one Veltecite Heart and twenty Charged Spinal Bases. This is the primary objective of this particular job that you have been given.
The Veltecite Veins are the one and only place where the Veltecite Hearts may be mined. Therefore, this is the only place from which you can receive them. You need just search the seas in that general area to locate it. If for any reason you are unable to mine it because of its low drop location. The only other time you will be able to do so is when there is a storm. As a result of the storm causing the drop to be lower than normal. It will be simple for you to get the necessary item.
When the storm strikes, you may also collect Charged Spinal Bases from it by going to the dead striders in the area. You are required to participate in a raid, and after that is over, all you can do is relax and wait for the storm to approach in peace.
- 1,500 FP
- 64 Osiris SCRIP
- 17,000 Krypto Marks
Rewards for completing the quest
Following the successful conclusion of the questline, you will be rewarded with one Heavy Duty Backpack. The epic grade bag has a weight restriction of up to 350, which enables you to carry more stuff than you were previously able to carry.