Playing first-person shooter (FPS) games can be really fun and exciting, but it can also be very frustrating and challenging. Whether you’re playing an FPS game for the first time or are just stuck on a certain level, it’s sometimes difficult to know what to do in order to improve your skills, strategies, and overall gameplay. But fear not!

Practice, practice and more practice
While there’s no substitute for innate talent, it’s important to remember that your skills improve with time and practice. The more you play, the better you’ll become.
Training yourself through videos
The most effective way to improve at shooting games is watching videos of other people who are better than you. Find gamers who play in tournaments and watch them on YouTube or Twitch.
Modify your environment
Everything from your screen brightness to your posture has an effect on how well you can react. There are plenty of simple, free ways you can modify your environment that have been shown to have a large impact.
One of the best things you can do to improve your aiming ability is take your monitor’s gamma settings and color profile into consideration. Most monitors are 2.2 or 2.4, so be sure that you have calibrated your display accordingly.
Learn to aim down sights (ADS)
Learning how to ADS (aim down sights) is one of, if not THE most important thing for improving your game in any first-person shooter. You might be wondering why I didn’t just say learn to aim better instead and that’s because learning how to aim better can mean a lot of different things depending on what you need help with.
Use cover effectively
When playing any first-person shooter game, it is important to use cover effectively. Many gamers make mistakes when using cover such as standing too close, not crouching enough or standing right out in plain sight.
Know your enemies and allies
Knowing your enemies and allies is one of, if not THE most important aspect of becoming good at first-person shooters. The key to knowing these things is that you need to spend time getting to know them.
Search for gaps in enemy lines
Look for gaps in enemy lines and use them to sneak up on enemies or flank your enemies from behind. With practice, you’ll be able to quickly spot these openings and take advantage of them.
Don’t get complacent
It’s tempting to feel like you can’t improve or that your skills are good enough. But it can be surprisingly easy to lose skill when you don’t practice, so play as much as possible.
Communicate with your team
Communication is key in all aspects of your life, but it’s especially important when you’re playing a fast-paced game like Counter Strike. Make sure that you always have an open line of communication with your teammates.