Welcome to our guide “Star Wars The Force Unleashed: How To Take Down The Star Destroyer?”. ÂÂÂDuring Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Starkiller’s biggest act of the force might be difficult to pull off. This is how you take down Star Destroyer.
How to fight the empire?
At the conclusion of “Imperial Raxus Prime” level, you’ll find the Star Destroyer. Starkiller will face an incoming Star Destroyer and multiple Tie Fighter Squadrons after fighting several Storm Troopers. Eventually, charging up the rail cannon through electrifying all of the four nodes upon it. Players should first kill any oncoming Tie Fighters with Force Grip or Force Lightning. Starkiller can only try to destroy the Star Destroyer once they are out of the way. The Tie Fighters move swiftly, but they should be easy to strike with lightning. The Force Grip must now be utilized to grasp the Star Destroyer now that the Tie Fighters are off the way.
How to take down the Star Destroyer?
To bring the Star Destroyer in place, follow the analog stick directions of the screen, and now hold the two sticks down when it’s in place to start bringing it down. After a certain amount of time, new groups of Tie Fighters appear, thus players need take cover once their health drops too low, then kill the fighters before resuming the effort. A cutscene will begin after you keep both sticks down for a bit, then the Star Destroyer should smash into the earth, confirming Starkiller’s position as a highly powerful force wielding within Star Wars Legends Canon.
So, this was our guide “Star Wars The Force Unleashed: How To Take Down The Star Destroyer?”. Feel free to leave a comment below!