In an intergalactic journey spanning multiple worlds, Cal Kestis discovers several alternate routes to his destination. True to form for a Metroidvania, you’ll acquire a variety of useful moves that will grant you access to areas you couldn’t reach before. Check below to know How to Use Floating Orange Balloons in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
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Star Wars Jedi Survivor – How to Use Floating Orange Balloons
You’ll need to acquire a certain special talent in Jedi Survivor to employ the floating orange balloons, just like the green laser barriers and blue electric fuses. To get right to the point, you won’t be able to hop atop the orange balloons until you acquire the Grappling Hook.
For those who are unaware, the Grappling Hook is unlocked at a certain point in the game. Some players may be confused as to the purpose of the yellow balloons before they obtain this skill, which occurs anywhere between 10 and 12 hours into the game’s main story.
The Grappling Hook is, in a nutshell, an essential unlock. For previously unreachable locations, the Grappling Hook makes traversal a breeze; simply press L2 on PS5/ LT on Xbox to grasp onto a yellow balloon.