Splatoon 3: How to Beat Frye in Hero Mode?
Most marine life in Splatoon legend has evolved into surface-dwelling humans, but there are still plenty of wild animals hiding below the waves. That apparently includes huge, carnivorous eels, which are Frye’s preferred instrument. Follow these steps to defeat Frye in Hero Mode in Splatoon 3.
Splatoon 3: How to Beat Frye in Hero Mode
During Splatoon 3’s Hero Mode, Frye is the second boss you will face. It is possible that she is an Inkling, but do not expect her to use any ink in her battle against you. Instead, she is bringing an entire armada of giant eels to the fight, which she presumably keeps in the discarded carcass of an Octostomp. Wow, this is quite nice.
As soon as the battle begins, Frye will start spinning her Octostomp and unleashing a swarm of eels. Floating in front of you, these eels will launch inkballs at you. The solid-orange eels can be shot to disappear, but the ones with black masks would fly upwards and strike Frye. In order to stop the Octostomp from spinning, you must return fire on all of the disguised eels. This will stun Frye. In a hurry, locate a flat metal surface and build a route you can swim up to the top of, where you can splat Frye.

Frye will then bring the Octostomp to the stage’s centre and start spinning it at a much higher rate for the second act. When the Octostomp starts spitting forth eels, they will circle backwards in a whirlpool formation as they fly outwards from the centre. You may shoot the eels as they swoop by if you position yourself at a 45-degree angle to them and gradually back away from them as they spread widely. Position yourself so that you are almost in front of them but not quite. There will be masked and unmasked eels once more, but their rapid flight will make telling them apart difficult, so it is best to just shoot them all. Frye will be ready for another swim-and-splat after the masked eels have been eliminated and he has been stunned once again.
Frye will release a swarm of eels in a dense formation for the last phase. The eels will dive straight for you, then whip around for another assault. You should utilise your fully charged Splashdown now, when they are directly in front of you. Even if you do not catch every single eel, you should do rather well. Then, when Frye has been stunned once more, you can easily finish her out by swimming up and splatting her.
Frye will run away after you defeat her eels, giving you the first piece of the mysterious mechanical device.