Spelunky 2: An overview of the Stars Challenge
Welcome to our ‘Spelunky 2: Guide for the Stars Challenge’ article. In Spelunky 2, one of the challenges will require working with Torches. This tutorial will teach you all you need to know regarding the Stars Challenge.
The Stars Challenge is the only one of the 3 celestial body challenges that is completely optional, regardless of the type of run you’re undertaking. It’s only there to give you another chore to do in exchange for some fairly powerful rewards.
It’s another Challenge conducted by the strange woman Tun, for which you must pay $25,000 to participate. You must reach world four, which could be the “Temple Of Anubis” or the “Tide Pool”, in order to complete the Stars Challenge.
This challenge unlike some of the other challenges would only spawn on stages 4-2 from either world. Tun’s chamber for doing it will still be in the corner, like always. This is a navigation challenge with a time limit. There are no death traps or creatures to annoy you, just a slew of unlit Torches. Within 30 seconds, you must light every one of the Torches inside the chamber. You will receive the Elixir or the Clone Gun if you succeed.
How to complete the challenge?
This cosmic quest is the safest but also the most challenging. Only a Torch and just a Crossbow are required. The compartment features lit as well as unlit Torches. Around the chamber are 40 unlit Torches. As soon as the task begins, run through the Torches nearest to the good to ignite them. Jumping or climbing to all Torches is the fastest way to get them, so don’t waste time throwing them around.
The Crossbow over the entryway can fire Torches in a sequence. The Crossbow is best disregarded due to the placement of the torches, and also the time lost swapping things and setting up shots. The fastest way to get to all of the Torches would be to go along the outer part of the chamber first. This challenge requires a lot of speed and mobility, so collect gear that helps. Spring Shoes and Jetpack boost your hopping to effortlessly reach many elevated Torches. For this task, skip trying to pick up the Climbing Gloves as you’ll waste time getting trapped.

So, this is our guide for completing the Spelunky 2 Stars Challenge. We hope you liked our ‘Spelunky 2: Guide for the Stars Challenge article. Please leave a comment below.