Sniper Elite 5 allows you to create your own infiltration and escape routes. You are encouraged to explore and scout every nook and corner in the game. You’ll often come across locked doors or containers while doing so. This includes areas where a simple tool would be able to clear the path. This is when a bolt cutter or a crowbar will come in handy.

Where do find Bolt Cutters?
There are various bolt cutters spread across the game’s maps. You’ll have to look for them while on assignments. There is no way to unlock and add them in your loadout.
Bolt cutters are generally found at workbenches or in places defended by foes. Take notice that each map has numerous bolt cutters to locate, but you only need one to complete the objective.
When the quest concludes, you will lose your bolt cutter and will have to obtain a new one in the following mission.
How do you use Bolt Cutters?
A bolt cutter is primarily used to cut padlocks in order to obtain access to rooms and containers. When you get near to a door with a padlock, you’ll be given the choice on a screen to either pick the lock or break it open with a bolt cutter.
Select the option to break open the lock using a bolt cutter, and the lock will be opened. This way of opening is typically quicker than lockpicking, but it has one disadvantage. Using a bolt cutter will make a loud noise, which may attract nearby opponents. As a result, you must use caution.
Where can you get Crowbars?
Crowbars, like bolt cutters, must be found through exploring the maps. They are also put near workbenches or enemy-infested locations.
Throughout your assignments, you will come across various crowbars. Because they are unbreakable, you only need to discover one crowbar every mission before needing to start searching again when the next operation begins.
How to use Crowbars?
A crowbar’s principal use is to lift items. It may be used to open closed containers or to remove obstacles like boards.
When asked whether you want to disassemble or break open the thing in question, choose break open to use your crowbar. Using a crowbar, on the other hand, will make a lot of noise. If there are opponents nearby, they will most likely hurry to your position to investigate the commotion. When using a crowbar, you must be aware of your surroundings.