If you’re having trouble deciding which guns to use or which attachments to add to your weapon, you’re in luck. We’ve put up a list of the top loadouts in Sniper Elite 5.

Sniper Elite’s Top 5 Loadouts
Each of the three weapon categories in the game has three loadouts: sniper rifles, submachine guns, and handguns.
Sniper rifles will be your primary weapon of choice for long-range, quiet target acquisition. Submachine guns, on the other hand, are best used when you’re in a tight spot and need more firepower to take down many foes. Finally, handguns will join you for close-range stealth kills.
Best Sniper Loadouts in Sniper Elite 5
Sniper Rifles are mostly used to kill adversaries from a great distance while remaining quiet. A higher rate of fire and a greater magazine capacity are ineffective for a Sniper rifle if you remain concealed. If your cover is compromised, you may use your SMGs to compensate for the disadvantages of utilizing a sniper.
To get the most out of a sniper, we’ll choose the SREM-1 Sniper, which has strong overall stats and fewer negatives than the other sniper rifles. They are as follows in terms of attachments.
- Sight: No.32 MK1 (due to its multiple levels of zoom, up to a max of 8x)
- Barrel: Extended Marksmen
- Muzzle: MK II-S Suppressor
- Magazine: Standard Issue (extra damage is not a good trade for reduced mag size and increased recoil).
- Stock: Leather Pad
- Foregrip: Thick Grip Tape
- Receiver: Short Travel Trigger
- Construction: Laminated Beach
Best SMG Loadout in Sniper Elite 5
SMGs are recognized for their quick rate of fire and high close-range damage. They may, however, be rather noisy and have a significant recoil. Through the changes listed below, we’ll be able to get our SMG to perform to its full potential.
- SMG: Machine Pist.44
- Sight: Iron Sights
- Barrel: Overpressure Power
- Muzzle: Modded M-27 Suppressor
- Magazine: Geret Overpressure Magazine
- Stock: Magazine Pouch
- Foregrip: Quick-draw Grip
- Receiver: Reinforced Overpressure
Best Pistol Loadout in Sniper Elite 5
We need to seek for a handgun that is extremely quiet and has a decent movement speed when pulled. It is employed in very close quarters, therefore we don’t need much damage, but a higher rate of fire and a larger magazine would suffice. Type-14 Nambu is the best choice for this. It can be modified to the best of its ability by doing the following.
- Barrel: Overpressure Power
- Muzzle: SS Suppressor
- Magazine: Quick-draw Grip
- Stock: Reinforced Overpressure