Each mission in Sniper Elite 5 includes a kill challenge in which your goal is to take down an assigned target. Jann Trautmann will be your Kill List target in Mission 6 – Liberation. This guide will assist you in completing the Jann Trautmann Kill challenge in Sniper Elite 5 Mission 6.

Walkthrough for Sniper Elite 5 Mission 6 Kill Challenge
Jann Trautmann is in a building in the map’s southwest corner. In this kill challenge, your goal will be to poison him, which means that if you use a weapon to kill him, the task will fail.
Another prerequisite for this Kill task is that you remain quiet, since if Trautmann is informed, he will act on his own and you will fail the challenge. So, in and around Trautmann’s position, engage in quiet fighting and takedowns while avoiding any scenes that may alert him.
Approach and enter the building where Trautmann is hiding. Clear out all of the troops on the bottom level quietly. When the ground level is clear, go to the first story. There is a poison vial beside the stairs that may be used to eliminate Trautmann.
Trautmann will be present on the second floor, and you may hear him inside the room chatting to himself. A glass on a table is seen outside the room. Use the poison on this glass, then summon him to the door with the bell.
Leave him alone and wait for Jann to sip from the glass. He will sip from the glass before succumbing to the poison.
What are all the rewards that you earn?
Your Kill List task will be finished after Jann Trautmann is killed, and you will get ‘Model D‘ as a reward.