Each mission in Sniper Elite 5 includes a kill challenge in which your goal is to take down an assigned target. Dr. Christian Jungers will be on your Kill list in Mission 7 – ‘Secret Weapons.’ This guide will assist you in completing the Dr. Christian Junger Kill challenge in Sniper Elite 5 Mission 7.

Walkthrough for Sniper Elite 5 Mission 7 Kill Challenge
Dr. Christian Junger will be present at an airplane hangar in the northeastern portion of the map. To accomplish this Kill Challenge, you must use a V2 Rocket to eliminate Christian Junger.
To go to the hangar where Junger is, go to the target area. When you arrive, you will see him conversing with several guards at the hangar door. Please, however, do not murder him right now.
Rather, murder the guards and take down Christian Junger non-lethally. This is going to knock him out. Clear the remainder of the area so that you are not disturbed when treating the doctor with a V2 Rocket.
When the area is clear, move Christian Junger’s corpse to the hangar’s left side, where the V2 Rocket is housed. Place him near the Rocket and then kill him with it. This completes the Kill challenge for Sniper Elite 5 task 7.
What all rewards do you earn?
When you kill Dr. Christian Junger with the V2 Rocket, your Kill List task will be accomplished, and you will be rewarded with ‘RSC 1918.’