Welcome to our guide “Skyrim: How To Find An Ebony Ingot?”. An Ebony Ingot is among Skyrim’s most costly and uncommon resources. There’s a few possibilities whenever it comes to finding Ebony Ingots. Here’s how you can find it.

How to find an Ebony Ingot in Skyrim?
Ebony Ingots are made from Ebony Ore in a Smelter, which can be found near Skyrim’s forges or crafting sites. Players can mine for them or buy Ebony Ore. Ebony Ore can be mined in several sites around the world, however none are dependable, renewable supplies. A pickaxe and a trip to Skyrim’s Ebony mines can provide Ebony Ore at any time, although it only appears within the vendor inventories at Level 25.
Rare Ebony Veins can be found all over the world, mainly in mines & caves, but only 3 Ebony Ingot Skyrim locales restore – the Gloombound Mine at Eastmarch, the Redbelly Mine at The Rift, and the Raven Rock Mine at Solstheim. Ebony Ore may be collected as loot in a variety of locales, however these 3 mines have been the only ones where it can be mined rather than found as ground treasure. To quicken the mining process, ensure that you have a pickaxe and just swing at the vein.
After you have sufficient Ebony Ore, find the Smelter in the nearest city. For example, in Whiterun, the Smelter is located behind Warmaidens when players reach the city. To estimate the number of Ebony Ingots from Ebony Ore, divide the amount by two. Dragonbone weapons and Daedric armour can be made from Ebony Ingots. Daedra Hearts and Ebony Ingots are needed to craft Daedric Armor, whereas Dragonbone Weapons need Dragonbones.
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