Welcome to our “Skyrim: How To Be A Part Of The Thieves Guild?” guide. In Skyrim, being a part of the Thieves Guild is an easy process. Before becoming a member, players must complete various trials in Riften.

How to be a part of the Thieves Guild in Skyrim?
The Thieves Guild is one of Skyrim’s simplest factions to join. It’s located in Riften, meaning, travelling to this distant south-eastern city is probably the most challenging portion. It’s not as far as it seems, since a carriage could be hired from any big city. No matter how you enter the Thieves Guild, their entrance trials are simple enough for a newbie to complete. Normally, utilizing the quicksave function ensures pickpocketing and theft success. The first task for the Thieves Guild seems so forgiving that passing or failing doesn’t matter.
Most players first discover the Thieves Guild by finishing the main mission till Delphine is located. Upon infiltrating the Thalmor Embassy, she will lead you to the Ratways underneath Riften in ‘A Cornered Rat’. To reach Esbern, players must first pass via The Ragged Flagon, that also introduces Brynjolf & the Thieves Guild. Brynjolf will still accept you into the Thieve’s Guild if you can arrive to Riften before the main questline. On a new save, proceed to Whiterun & take a carriage to go to Riften. On the Market, search for Brynjolf, who is sometimes within the Bee & Barb pub. Speak to him to start your path into the Thieves Guild.
What are the benefits of joining the Theives Guild?
A loose-knit gang of enforcers & thieves, this Thieves Guild of Skyrim is also a form of brotherhood that provides its members privileged treatment, special goods, plus access to many of the game’s finest magical gear designed for Thieves and stealth-based players. Each of the three sets is solely accessible via a Skyrim Thieves Guild main quest. Get Chillrend, the Daedric Artifact – Skeleton Key, and a reusable lockpick. Players earn much more than just material stuff. There are plenty of free lockpicks as well as other handy items for Thieves. Guards will start taking bribes in return for turning the other way, without having the related Bribe perk. You can even fill up a Trophy Case by finishing tough Radiant tasks or finding it along the road.
So, this was our “Skyrim: How To Be A Part Of The Thieves Guild?” guide. Feel free to leave a comment below!