Welcome to our guide called “Rogue Legacy 2: How To Find All The Lilies Of the Valley?”. The “Lily of the Valley” is a rare item from Rogue Legacy 2’s Kerguelen Plateau biome. There are three flowers within this snowy location, and players must acquire two of them to progress. This guide will assist fans to find the Lily of the Valley from Rogue Legacy 2 or learn more about its features.

How to find all the Lilies Of the Valley in Rogue Legacy 2?
While getting the required 2 Lilies of the Valley prior to gaining double jump within Rogue Legacy 2 is achievable, it is also advised. Indeed, double jumping lets all classes to access the flowers without any special abilities. To get the ability, players must go to the cliff on the right-side of the “Kerguelen Plateau”, use Echo’s Boots to spin kick over the water, and complete the trial.
The first Lily of the Valley is inside the vertical room having the purple question mark. To get there, players must jump over the spikes, descend through the wood board, and spin kick the torch. After crossing the hazard, fans can double jump upwards to the bloom. The second Lily of the Valley is the easiest to acquire, so players must look for an area built like the one seen below. Once found, roguelite enthusiasts should double jump and run to the bloom. The last Lily of the Valley is within an arrow trap in the bottom right corner. To reach the flower, first jump over the trap, then utilize the spin kick to deflect the arrows shot. Players must now air dash towards the left ledge & double leap and dash to the Lily.
How can you use these lilies?
Upon getting the two Lilies of the Valley, gamers should proceed to the Kerguelen Plateau boss chamber. Fans will now be able to go through the door without having to reopen it. However, resolving the matters within Red Insight before fighting the boss will give you an edge.
So, this was our guide called “Rogue Legacy 2: How To Find All The Lilies Of the Valley?”. Please leave a comment below!