If you are receiving calls from Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group and are unsure of how to handle the situation, it is important to take a deep breath and stay calm. Medical bills can be overwhelming, and it is not uncommon for one to be overlooked or forgotten.
However, debt in collections can have serious consequences for your credit score and your daily life.
Ways to Remove HRRG from Your Credit Report
Here are three strategies you can try to get a collection deleted from your credit report:
- Try negotiating with the collection agency. Explain your situation and see if they are willing to remove the collection from your credit report in exchange for payment or some other agreement.
- Dispute the collection with the credit bureaus. If the collection is not accurate or is otherwise unfair, you can dispute it with the credit bureaus and ask them to remove it from your credit report.
- Wait it out. Collections generally only stay on your credit report for seven years, so if you can’t get the collection removed any other way, you may just have to wait for it to fall off your credit report naturally.
1. Send in a Debt Validation Letter
If you are contacted by a debt collector, you can request that they validate the debt by sending a debt validation letter. This letter should be sent within 30 days of first being contacted by the agency. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act requires the agency to provide documentation of the debt you supposedly owe.
If the agency does not have the necessary proof to validate the debt, they are required to update the credit bureaus and remove the collections entry from your report.
Even if you do owe the debt, it is worth sending a debt validation letter because there is always a chance the agency will not be able to validate the debt and you will not have to pay anything.
2. Arrange a Pay-for-delete Agreement
If you have missed the 30-day window for submitting a debt validation letter, your next best strategy is to arrange a “pay-for-delete” agreement with HRRG.
This is an arrangement in which you pay the agency to have the entry deleted from your credit report. To do this, write a letter to HRRG proposing to pay to have the entry removed. In many cases, you can negotiate to pay only a fraction of the debt you owe in order to have the entry deleted.
Try to pay around 50% of the debt. Once you reach an agreement and submit payment, it should be reflected on your credit report. If the entry is still on your report after about a month, send HRRG another letter to ensure that it is being deleted.
3. Hire a Credit Repair Company
If you have missed medical bills and are dealing with a debt collector like HRRG, you may want to consider hiring a credit repair company to handle the situation for you.
Credit repair companies are experienced in dealing with a wide range of credit issues, including disputing debts, recovering from bankruptcy, and ensuring that debt collectors do not violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Sky Blue is one example of a reputable credit repair company that can help you with your outstanding medical debts and repair your credit.
No matter how complex your credit situation is, a credit repair company can provide the support and expertise you need to get back on track.
How Do HRRG Collections Work?
The Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group is a collections agency that focuses on unpaid medical bills. When a bill goes unpaid for a certain amount of time, the service provider may turn it over to a collections agency, which will then place a collections entry on your credit report. This can have a negative impact on your credit score, as it can hurt your payment history.
Once a debt collector is involved, they may contact you by phone or mail in an attempt to collect the unpaid debt. These efforts can continue until you make a payment or reach a resolution.
It’s important to note that a collections entry on your credit report can remain for seven years, though its impact on your credit score may decrease over time. And unless you take action to have the entry removed, it will remain on your report even if you eventually repay the debt.
However, there are strategies you can use to get a collections entry deleted from your credit report. Some possible options include negotiating with the collections agency, disputing the entry with the credit bureaus, or seeking legal assistance.
Dealing with Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group
HRRG is a debt collection agency that claims to deal with debtors with empathy and respect. However, the Better Business Bureau and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau have received hundreds of complaints about this agency.
Some of the common complaints include reporting errors, failing to validate debts upon request, and excessive or aggressive collection attempts. Many people are not aware of their rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which is a law that protects consumers from unethical collection practices by debt collectors.
For example, the law limits the hours during which collectors can call you and allows you to halt their calls altogether if you prefer to communicate in writing.
This can be a useful strategy as it allows you to have a written record of your interactions with the agency, which can help you get the agency removed from your credit report.