Welcome to our guide “Red Dead Redemption 2: What Are The Best Tips To Improve Gameplay?”. If you use our Red Dead Redemption 2 hints, you won’t miss out on an evident option within game that improves things or a strategy that vastly simplifies your adventure.
Red Dead Redemption 2: Use HUD options
For a more realistic experience, hold down the D-pad & select ‘radar off’. A short tap down on your D-pad brings the radar back up in this HUD-less mode. Alternatively, you can “expand” the radar to make it easier to see opponent icons during frenetic shootouts. Selecting the “compass” option instead of the “radar” option will display you the basic direction to aim for instead of the shortest route.
Red Dead Redemption 2: Play poker!
Back at Dutch’s camp, learn how to play cards so that you don’t lose your cash while learning the ropes of poker. The biggest stake while playing with your group would be a measly dollar; the most you can lose in such games is a couple cents, however playing here is beneficial for teaching the basics of poker before moving on to the big shot tables elsewhere. In the help area of the pause menu, there’s also a full overview of poker rules.
Bonus tip: Stock up on tobacco
Smoking or consuming raw Indian tobacco can increase your Dead Eye meter. Because you’ll be downing men in slow-motion, it is the core which will run out the fastest. Camps can also make snake oil to replenish your Dead Eye core. But watch out for too much raw tobacco. A 24 hour period is limited to the number of plants you can eat. Avoid eating Indian tobacco for one day & they’ll regain their full power.
So, this was our guide “Red Dead Redemption 2: What Are The Best Tips To Improve Gameplay?”. Please leave a comment below!