Welcome to our guide of “Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love: What Are The Best Tips For Beginners?”. You’ll need to know a lot of tips and strategies in order to complete the numerous quests within Ragnarok Mobile: Eternal Love. If you succeed in completing it, you will be ready to go to the next stage.

Choose your First Class carefully
Ragnarok M: Eternal Love, like all Ragnarok games, features classes from which to pick. Within this game, you have a total of fifteen classes to choose from as your initial class to play. When you initially log in, you will be displayed those classes; each class has its unique strengths, and you can check their statistics directly beside them when making your selection. If you want to include another class to the game, you can do so between levels 10 and 12.
Always complete your missions
Begin with quests. The colour of an exclamation mark over the NPC differentiates the three sorts of quests in the game. Colors denote quest types. The main mission is red. Prioritize this early in the game, as the payoff of this task will benefit you early on. This type of task rewards zeny, the game’s currency, EXP, and often unlocks a new feature. The daily mission is blue, along with the main quest, must be a priority. Daily quest is a repeating task that resets every day. The quest action and prize vary, and will be discussed after the last quest type. Green is an extra. Unlike the other two mission types, this mission will not grant you a significant prize, but it will unlock specific features and skills. Do this after your tale and daily quests. Since you can undertake the Daily Quest (or ‘Dailies’) on a daily basis, you should focus it more after you unlock it.
Get pets
A pet is important in the game. Pets speed up levelling and farming. Your pet would also support you in battle, so get several as quickly as possible. You can get one free Poring pet from South Prontera soon in the game. Once tamed, you must manually catch new Pets.
So, this was our guide “Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love: What Are The Best Tips For Beginners?”.