Welcome to our guide of “Rage of Destiny: How To Redeem Free Promo Codes?”. Here’s a short approach to get Rage of Destiny free codes & redeeming them.

How to find free promo codes?
Redeem codes are given after updates, milestones, and other occasions. However one of the best features of Rage of Destiny is the frequent free coupon codes. These codes come from the game’s Facebook pages. But we recommend bookmarking this page because we got them for you and you can use them later in the game! Items such Gems, Inscription Coins, Nirmal Pool Tickets, etc. can be claimed via redemption codes. Every day, a fresh redeem code is given. So players must redeem codes quickly. There are a lot of promo codes active right now, and we have them all covered. Redeem them all prior to their expiration. Here is a listing of all Rage of Destiny codes. Redeem these all to earn in-game rewards.
⦁ HHEASTER22 – For 300 Gems, 1000 Inscription Coin and 10 Nirmal Pool Ticket
⦁ SU25KH – For exclusive prizes
⦁ BOKGOODLUCK – For exclusive prizes
How to redeem free promo codes?
Unlike others, Rage of Destiny offers an in-game code redeeming center. So you don’t have to visit to another site, enter these codes, and then go back to the game to test them. Just follow the procedures below to redeem these codes & get fantastic prizes.
⦁ From your app drawer, launch your Rage of Destiny app.
⦁ To extend the menu, click the Avatar icon. It’s located in the upper-left part of the screen.
⦁ It will transport you to a next screen if you click on it. Then, on the Settings icon, select Code.
⦁ Copy and paste a working code in the blank box exactly as it is shown in the list above.
⦁ A successful submission alert will appear after you tap Confirm. Now, to the right-side of the screen and go to the in-game mail.
⦁ To get your prizes right away, tap Claim All.
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