Backpacks and your Leather Armor Set, which in Raft consists of a Helmet, Body Armor, & Greaves. These can only be crafted if you have access to Leather. For the purpose of gathering this particular crafting ingredient, you will need to go on an actual hunting journey.

In the following guide I will tell you where to go and what to hunt in order to get Leather in Raft.
Getting Leather easily in Raft
To acquire leather, one must first kill various wild creatures such as bears and warthogs. These kind of animals are impossible to survive on tiny islands because of their limited space.
In order to get Leather, you will need to search for huge islands that are within the range of your navigation system. Make use of your Receiver and Antenna to locate huge islands that contain Warthogs, and then go to those islands.
Bears are only found on Balboa Island and the other adjacent islands that are part of the same ecosystem. This island is the last destination that you visit in the first chapter of the tale.
The Island of Balboa
Once you have arrived at the island of Balboa, disembark the raft while ensuring that you have at least three spears with you. You will need to explore the island, and if you see a bear while you’re there, you will need to spear it and kill it.
Bear hunting may be done effectively by luring the animal toward you, then waiting for it to get within striking distance before stabbing it with your spear. You will get four pieces of leather for each bear that you kill, and this activity is not very difficult to do. In addition to the leather, it also provides raw flesh and the severed head of a bear.
You can get leather by tracking down a warthog, killing it, and then tanning it in the same manner. Bringing a warthog close to some water before attempting to kill it is the most efficient method. After that, position yourself close to the coast and wait for the warthog to strike.
Get under the water and wait for the Warthog to complete charging as he continues to attack. He will eventually attack. As soon as he stops charging, he begins to experience disorientation. This is your chance to shine right now. Stabbing him with your spear will accomplish the task at hand. The flesh and the head of the warthog are both rewards for killing it.