Raft may give the impression of being a rather calm game due to its attractions, which include sailing to a variety of islands and visiting a selection of unique villages; yet, this does not mean that the game is free from a normal assortment of foes and bosses. Screechers are one of the numerous dangerous bosses that may be found on the many muddy routes of Large Islands. They are a menace that you will often encounter. In this tutorial for Raft, we will investigate the creature known as Screecher and discuss effective strategies for defeating it.

Killing the Screecher in Raft
The Screecher is a bird with a black and red appearance that resembles doom descending from the sky. It is a bird that clearly does not want to mind its own business and instead wants to pick you off with its extensive range of attack. It is possible to run into it on Large Islands, as well as stumble onto it by accident. This obnoxious bird holds a large rock in between its claws, and if it swoops down on you, it will dump the boulder on you, doing enormous damage that will eventually be fatal.
As soon as this pesky bird begins to focus its attention on you, you will need to keep a close check on where it flies and what it does. In most cases, the Screecher will pick up the pebble once you have come into contact with it. And whilst it is doing that, you are in fortunate because it also produces a noise. It will pull for around three times until it finally gets the rock in between its claws, at which point it will fly straight towards you in order to drop it on you and cause damage. If anything like that occurs, you should either flee for your life or confront this foul bird.
To begin, you should arm yourself with some arrows and spears so that you may kill a screecher without taking any damage. Fire the arrow straight at the creature with the bow as soon as it comes close to you with the rock, and then shoot it again when it’s immediately above you. A feather cloud will form in the surrounding area if one of your strikes lands on this bird.
Running up to a higher location is another strategy that will help you effectively land your strikes on Screecher. Because of this, the bird will fly upwards towards you, allowing you the opportunity to adjust your aim and successfully shoot it. Also, as the boulder is being dropped, employ the sprinting approach; this will shift you to the side, making it simpler to evade the drop and the damage it does.
Bonus tips
In addition, you may get a lot of mileage out of your Spear if you use it to pick up the rock left behind by the Screecher while it is on the ground. You still have the option to rush up to this foe and assault it, despite the fact that there is a lower probability that it will pick up a rock in the area where you are standing.
In order to identify the movement of this bird more accurately, one thing you can do is try to throw off Screecher by moving it to a larger area and confusing its surroundings. Being present in the space between the trees might make it difficult to pinpoint the location of this bird, which can result in significant harm to you. On the other hand, if you travel to a different location that has less barriers, this bird will follow you there as well, making it simpler for you to attack it. If you do this, though, it will be harder for it to attack you.
The easiest approach to dodge Screecher’s assault, other from using specific attack techniques, is to take cover behind a rock, within caverns, or atop ledges that are difficult to notice. In addition to this, maintaining continual movement will delay the boulder drop, providing you with more time to formulate an offensive plan. The conclusion is as follows. If you follow these techniques, dealing with a Screecher in Raft will be much simpler, and if you keep attacking it with your bow and spear, it will die sooner or later.