In The Raft, crafting is an essential aspect of the game. Vine Goo is an important component of many of the items that may be crafted. Obtaining Vine Goo, although being a very standard prerequisite, is one of the challenges that players must overcome. Now that The Raft version 1.0 has been released. We may all need a reminder on how to acquire Vine Goo. Along with a better understanding of what precisely it is meant to do.

Getting Vine Goo in Raft
Crates and Loot Boxes across the Islands & also those discovered underwater, contain Vine Goo only in very rare instances. When you consider how much Vine Goo you’ll need for all of your crafts. It becomes crystal clear that relying only on looting Vine Goo won’t be an option. Therefore, in order to ensure that you have a consistent supply of Vine Goo. We strongly advise that you start your own Vine Goo manufacturing.
To manufacture some Vine Goo, all you have to do is acquire some Seaweed and put it in the Smelter. After that, you’ll have everything you need. To make one batch of vine goo, you will need one seaweed. Even though they aren’t a required ingredient in the process of making vine goo, planks are still required since you have to place them in the smelter in order for it to function properly.
Locating Seaweed
It is not difficult to locate seaweed to use in the preparation of vine goo. There is seaweed drifting in the open seas and all around Island Shores. Seaweed may also be found on land. In addition, there is a plethora of seaweed to be found in the water everywhere surrounding coral reefs. You can bring back enough seaweed from a single trip to an island to sustain you for many days worth of gathering.
Simply place some seaweed in the smelter along with some boards to use as fuel, and you will immediately begin the process of creating vine goo. Since the production of a single Vine Goo takes half a minute, you need to ensure that you have sufficient planks to keep your smelter going.
In the event that you do not already own a smelter, you may construct one out of the following items in your inventory: 4 Planks, 6 Dry Bricks, 4 Scrap, and 6 Nails.
Utilizing Vine Goo
Vine Goo is an essential component in the production of a wide variety of things. Vine Goo is required in order to manufacture empty bottles, which are then required in order to transport clean water. You will need circuit boards later on in the game for creating, oxygen tanks so that you can remain underwater for longer periods of time, and flippers so that you can swim faster and get deeper into the sea.
These goods are essential since they enable you to access a large number of late-game resources, such as copper, iron, and other things that you need to harvest in order to progress farther in the game. We strongly suggest that you begin stockpiling Vine Goo as soon as humanly feasible.