In the game Raft, acquiring planks is one of the most important resources you can do. They are necessary components for the production of buildings, decorations, weapons, and other useful things. They may also be used as fuel in automobile engines and as kindling for cooking and smelting metal.

You should be able to discover all of the Plank that you need in Raft with the aid of the following instructions.
Finding unlimited Planks in Raft
Planks are one of the resources that exist naturally in the game, which means that the only way to get them is to search for them or steal them. There is no crafting formula for making or producing planks, hence there is no way to make them.
There are a few different routes that may be taken to locate Plank in Raft. The first method involves using a hook or a simple collection net to draw flotsam from the water and collect it.
You may also locate Planks inside the many Treasure Chests that are strewn throughout the ocean floor. You may find Loot Boxes, which are containers for a variety of goodies, on tale islands or on Vacated Rafts, which appear at random out in the ocean. Maintain a keen awareness of your Receiver in order to detect Vacant Rafts.
The secret method to get unlimited Planks
The felling of trees is the second method for locating Plank in the game. There are many distinct kinds of Trees in Raft, and every single one of them has a chance to drop Plank. When you chop down a tree, you will get a certain number of planks, although the exact amount is determined by the tree itself.
Birch and Pine Trees are the greatest trees to farm for a large quantity of planks due to the fact that each of these trees has a chance to drop seven times as many planks as any other tree. You get five times as many Planks from Palm Trees. The Tangaroa and Mango Trees each produce just three times as many planks as the other trees.
You may also cultivate your own trees on your raft so that you will always have a sufficient amount of planks available. When you chop down trees, there is a remote possibility that the seeds they contained may fall to the ground. If you discover one, bring it back to your raft so you may plant it there. Give it some water, and watch your tree flourish.