In Raft, seaweed may be gathered and used as a resource. It is a resource that can be used for constructing various different objects throughout the game. These objects include the Flippers and the Vine Goo.

The following guide will explain all you need to know about finding seaweed in Raft. Including where to look and how to look for it.
Finding Seaweed in Raft
Kelps often include a fair amount of seaweed. On the ocean bottom, towering plants called kelps may be seen growing. It is more productive to look for kelp in the shallow areas of the water. These are located close to islands rather than in the open ocean.
Finding an island is the first step, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a big one or a little one; any island will suffice. Once you have located the island. Bring your sail close to it and anchor your raft in the vicinity of the island.
You also need to keep in mind that cultivating seaweed might be risky business. You can never let your guard down when it comes to your oxygen meter or the sharks.
However, since kelps don’t grow very far below the surface of the water, oxygen shouldn’t be much of an issue for them. However, there is a significant risk posed by the sharks. You may either kill the sharks or distract them with bait in order to get rid of them. Both of these strategies are viable options. Using baits is the best strategy to take if you aren’t ready for a battle since they may give you enough time to get away from your pursuers.
When you are swimming close to a Kelp plant, gaze toward the denser section of the plant, which is often located in the middle of the plant. If you were to direct your line of sight toward this location, a little spotlight would be cast onto it. When you get to the denser area of the kelp, hit the “E” key on your keyboard to get the seaweed. The kelp will give you the seaweed.
Loot Boxes
Loot Boxes, which are strewn throughout the game’s universe in various locations, provide players with another another opportunity to acquire Seaweed.
Instead of just one sort of item, you will get numerous distinct kinds of that item whenever you open a Loot Box. There is a possibility that the Loot Box you discover will include some Seaweed.
Only on Story Islands, Abandoned Huts, Vacant Rafts, and Story Islands can you find Loot Boxes. Vacant Rafts and Abandoned Huts may be discovered on islands or in the ocean surrounding islands.