As a person who is shipwrecked on a raft. You will need bags and armor to protect yourself, and in order to manufacture these items, you will require Wool. Finding wool in Raft may be difficult and frustrating for many players. Especially since it cannot be discovered randomly floating about the ocean like other items in the game.

Because wool can be used to create crates for your clothing and other accessories, it is a resource that is quite important for you to have in sufficient supply. In the Raft survival game, the location of Wool may be found with the use of this guide.
Getting Wool in Raft
Unfortunately, there is just one location in the game where one may get wool to use in crafting. Wool from the llama is the only kind that can be found everywhere in the globe.
You will need shears before you can even begin your search for wool. These may be crafted by using two different types of metal ores. The second thing you need to do is get a llama that you can tame for yourself. Finding a llama and breaking it in is the most challenging part of learning to tame your own llama. After you have done so, you may then start the process of taming it.
You will not be able to harvest wool from an untamed llama if you use your shears on it. To get the necessary amount of wool, you may only use them on a llama that has been domesticated.
Once you have a Llama as a pet, you will have unrestricted access to the Shears and will be able to collect wool whenever you want. After fifteen minutes, the Llama will begin to regenerate the wool for you to once again gather. Because of this, keeping a pair of llamas on board your raft might prove to be very advantageous for the long-term gathering of wool.
Using Wool
Wool is a material that is utilized in the making process for a variety of goods, including your bag and your armor. Wool is necessary for the production of leather goods such as backpacks, helmets, body armor, and greaves made of leather.