Welcome to our guide “Prey: How To Find The Golden Gun?”. Prey’s Golden Gun does greater damage and shoots more softly than the silenced pistol. Here’s how to get one.

How to find the Golden Gun in Prey?
Begin in the lush Arboretum. Go towards the looking glass watching area and grieve about the damaged scene selector. Next, destroy it. Step over the pieces and go down the tube. Fear not by the scary falling boxes, but get ready for the two mimics which will appear. Once they’re gone, use the GLOO Gun to make a path up the shaft.
Climb up to find a crate full of treasures, but most importantly, the remnants of Julien Howard. The transcription about producing a superfruit will add another audio log to your inventory. Now you can listen to Captain Jada Marks’ audio log to Marietta Kyrkos. Her request is simple: deliver her Golden Gun on the Bridge. You’ll get the keycode, so complete what Kyrkos began.
Go into the Crew Quarters and ask Zachary West for the keycard to Deep Storage. Go downstairs to the foyer, head left, then forward to the Crew Cabins A. Get rid of the electro phantom as well as the mimic first. To the right is Captain Mark’s cabin. Open the door and use the keycode to open the safe. Awesome! You have her golden gun.
So, this was our guide “Prey: How To Find The Golden Gun?”. Feel free to leave a comment below!