Welcome to our ‘Pokémon Go: Where To Find Regional Pokémon?’ guide. Several Pokémon Go monsters are region-specific. Finding these Pokémon requires actual travel to the locations (or making international friends and trading with them). This Pokémon Go regional guide shows you where to discover each of these unique Pokémon.
Having a tropical Pokémon like Tropius exclusively accessible in tropical locations makes sense. But the number of regional Pokémon is constantly expanding, making it difficult to keep up.

Pokémon Go: Find all the regional Pokémon here!
Pokémon | Region |
Blue-Striped Form Basculin | Western hemisphere |
Bouffalant | New York and nearby areas |
Carnivine | Southeast United States (Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida) |
Chatot | Southern Hemisphere |
Corsola | Near the Equator |
Durant | North America, South America, and Africa |
East Sea Shellos (blue) | West of the Prime Meridian |
Farfetch’d | Eastern Asia |
Heatmore | Europe, Asia, and Australia |
Heracross | South America, Central America, Mexico, and southern Florida and Texas |
Illumise | North America, South America, and Africa |
Kangaskhan | Australia |
Klefki | France and some nearby areas |
Maractus | Southern United States, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America |
Mr. Mime | Europe |
Pachirisu | Canada, Russia, and Alaska |
Panpour, Simisear | The Americas and Greenland |
Pansage, Simisage | Asia-Pacific |
Pansear, Simisear | Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and India |
Red-Striped Form Basculin | Eastern hemisphere |
Relicanth | New Zealand, Fiji, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia |
Sawk | Europe, Asia, and Australia |
Sigilyph | Egypt and Greece |
Tauros | North America (Southern Canada, most of the United States, and parts of Mexico) |
Throh | North America, South America, and Africa |
Torkoal | Western/Southeast Asia |
Tropius | Africa, Middle East, and Mediterranean |
Volbeat | Europe, Asia, and Australia |
West Sea Shellos (pink) | East of the Prime Meridian |
In conclusion, to capture them all, Pokémon Go players must travel or trade. Previous events enabled users to discover regional Pokémon outside of their home locations. So even if you believe you’ll never get to Australia for Kangaskhan, you can still finish your Pokédex.
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