Welcome to our ‘Pokemon Go: What’s the best moveset of Venusaur?’ guide in which we will help you understand the skillset of Venusaur and focus on some of his best moves.
This week, Pokemon Go users can restock on the Grass-type favourite via the “Bulbasaur Community Day Classic”.
As a result of this unexpected event, Trainers worldwide will be wondering what Venusaur’s greatest moveset is and if it’s effective inside the Go Battle League.
In Pokemon Go, what is Venusaur’s best moveset?

Vine Whip likes a Fast Move. Along with Frenzy Plant & Sludge Bomb are the Charged Moves, which is one of Venusaur’s finest movesets in Pokemon Go.
Although Razor Leaf does twice as much damage. Vine Whip generates significantly more energy and therefore should be prioritized for faster access to Venusaur’s powerful Charged Moves.
If you really want Venusaur to be competitive in PvP, you’ll need to have the Community Day exclusive move “Frenzy Plant” as your main Charged Move, while Sludge Bomb is a nice backup choice for more Poison-type coverage.
All the moves that you can learn in Pokemon Go

In Pokemon Go, Venusaur may know two Fast Moves & four Charged Moves (excluding Return), which we’ve detailed below:
In Fast Moves:
Razor Leaf – with Grass
Vine Whip – with Grass
In Charged Moves:
Frenzy Plant – with Grass
Petal Blizzard – with Grass
Sludge Bomb – with Poison
Solar Beam – with Grass
Is Venusaur a good Pokemon Go pokemon?

Venusaur is one of the strongest Pokemon of Pokemon Go. It has a great move pool, including the outstanding Frenzy Plant, and is a Grass-type with strong bulk. Venusaur’s dual Grass/Poison type offers it resistance to Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Grass and Water, all prevalent typings in the Go Battle League.
In the Great League, Venusaur has beaten major threats including Azumarill, Galarian Stunfisk, Sableye and Umbreon. Venusaur can also be very good in the Ultra League, but not as well as Meganium, another Grass-type beginning evolution.
Aside the Battle League, Venusuar is one of the greatest Grass-type combatants for Raid Battles. Its massive Mega Evolution is indeed a game-changer. The most crucial thing to remember is that Venusaur requires Frenzy Plant to really be effective in Pokemon Go.
We hope you liked our ‘Pokemon Go: What’s the best moveset of Venusaur?; guide. Do leave a comment below and let us know what skills do you like to equip to your Venusaur.