Welcome to our guide of “Pokemon Go: What Are The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Fighting Type Pokemon?”. Here’s how to defeat Fighting-type Pokemon by exploiting their weaknesses in battle.

What are fighting type Pokemon?
Fighting-type Pokemon are mainly recognised by their appearance or clothing. These Pokemon are frequently clothed or created to resemble martial artists or have some other distinguishing feature. They may be exceedingly muscular or take a fighting stance when they start the conflict. Many Fighting-type Pokemon are all one type, while others may have a secondary type. As a result, always keep this in mind before approaching a battle.
What are the weaknesses of fighting type?
When it comes to skills and opposing Pokemon kinds, Fighting-type Pokemon have 3 primary weaknesses: Fairy-type, Flying-type, & Psychic-type Pokemon. As a result, if you’re aiming to defeat a Fighting-type Pokemon, select those that fall into those groups and focus on moves associated with those types. It’s important to remember that a Pokemon might have numerous types. They may, for example, be a Fighting & Rock-type Pokemon. By being mindful of their secondary type, you can take benefit of any other disadvantages they may have.
What are the strengths of fighting type?
Fighting-type Pokemon are resistant to some other types and moves in addition to having drawbacks. Avoid Dark-type, Ice-type, Normal-type, Rock-type, & Steel-type Pokemon or techniques while facing a Fighting-type Pokemon. Fighting-types are immune to the damage they deal, and in some situations, they may even deal more damage to you. As a result, when you go up facing a Fighting type, either switch out your Pokemon or don’t have those on your squad for that battle.
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