Welcome to our guide of “Pokemon Go: How To Find Rockruff And Get Its Evolutions?“. In Pokemon Go, you can evolve Rockruff into either Midday Lycanroc as well as Midnight Lycanroc, however, how do you decide between the two? Let’s have a look at How To Find Rockruff And Get Its Evolutions in 2023.

How to find Rockruff in Pokemon Go?
On March 1st, 2022, Rockruff makes its entrance in Pokemon Go as part of the fresh Season of Alola. Rockruff can currently only be obtained by defeating it during the 1-Star Raid or hatching it from a 10km Egg. Rockruff, unlike many of the additional Alola area Pokemon, introduced in Welcome to Alola episode, does not occur in the wild, leaving it a rather uncommon non-Legendary.
How to evolve Rockruff into Midday Lycanroc and Midnight Lycanroc?
You’ll need to save 50 Candy and evolve Rockruff during the day to evolve it into Midday Lycanroc. It’s easy to know if it’s daytime since the skies in the map will be bright. You’ll need 50 Candy to develop Rockruff to Midnight Lycanroc, and you’ll have to do it at night. The skies in the map will be dark if it’s considered nightfall. Both types of Lycanroc have equal stats and are pure Rock-types, however if you only have sufficient Candy to develop one Rockruff right now, Midnight Lycanroc becomes the superior option.
It makes up for its lower Attack stat with greater Defense & Stamina stats, as well as a stronger moveset that features the superb Fast Move Counter & minimal Charged Move, Psychic Fangs. During the Go Battle League, neither form is particularly useful, however Midnight Lycanroc could conceivably outperform the other. It is ranked 204th with in Great League by PvPoke, while Midday Lycanroc is ranked 663rd.
So, this our guide “Pokemon Go: How To Find Rockruff And Get Its Evolutions?”. Please leave a comment below if you liked it!