Welcome to our guide of “Pokemon Go: How To Catch Flabebe?”. Flabebe is making an appearance in Pokemon Go as a small part of the Valentine’s Day 2022 festa but how can you capture them? Is it possible for it to be Shiny? We’re here to help you with your inquiries.
Catching Flabebe
Flabebe is currently the only Pokemon Go creature that may be found in the wild. It will not appear during Raid Battles or even as a prize for completing Field Research tasks. There are those tasks that are only available during the event.
Flabebe’s spawn rate is unknown after the Valentine’s Day 2022 event finishes. However it’s unlikely to be particularly prevalent in the nature. Thus, we recommend capturing as many of those as you need now.
Flabebe may be found in five distinct colour choices within Pokemon Go but a few of them are only available in certain locations, so you’ll have to trade with your friends to get all of them.
You will have a better chance of capturing Flabebe if you use the flower colour that’s unique to your location, as opposed to the White as well as Orange flower colours, which are available worldwide.
Is Flabebe shiny in Pokemon Go?
Because Shiny Flabebe and its variations Shiny Floette as well as Shiny Florges are presently missing in Pokemon Go, you’ll have to adjust with the ordinary forms for now.
While Niantic has previously released new Pokemon along with their Shiny variations, they normally keep them for upcoming events to increase the anticipation factor. Until then, it’s just a waiting game.
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