Welcome to our guide of “Overwatch 2: Where To Find Saved Screenshots And How To Change Save Path?”. If you’ve captured a great Overwatch screenshot or wish to include a Play of the Game showcase to your collection, you’re probably wondering where they go. Here’s how to alter the save location.

Where to find saved Overwatch 2 screenshots?
You’ll have to go over a few steps to find a screenshot that you need to share with the rest of the world. To find your Overwatch screenshots, follow these steps:
⦁ Take your photo with ‘Prt Scr’ (Print Screen).
⦁ Select ‘Documents’.
⦁ Select ‘Overwatch’.
⦁ Select the ‘Screenshots’ subfolder from the list.
⦁ Choose ‘GameClientApp,’ and you should see all of your photos there.
⦁ You can also press the Windows key & ‘R’ at the same time, then type %UserProfile%\Documents\Overwatch\ScreenShots\Overwatch in the text field to save time.
How to change Overwatch 2 screenshots save path?
You can’t modify where your Overwatch screenshots are saved, but you can change where your highlights are saved. The in-game UI, however, will not allow you to do so.
To modify the save path for Overwatch highlights, follow these steps:
⦁ Make sure that Overwatch is turned off.
⦁ Press the Windows key.
⦁ Enter %Documents% in the box provided.
⦁ Head over to “\Documents\Overwatch\Settings”.
⦁ Open the file ‘Settings v0.ini’.
⦁ The [MovieExport.1] part can be found by scrolling down.
⦁ It may be necessary to manually append it to the document’s end.
⦁ Include this line within [MovieExport.1], between the quote marks, with your specific file location, VideoPath = ” “.
⦁ Make sure to save your updates.
⦁ Restart Overwatch & save the highlight, it should now be at the new position.
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