Welcome to our guide of “OlliOlli World: Top 3 Tips For New Gamers!”. It’s not simple to become a Skate Wizard but here are some pointers to help you start right.

OlliOlli World: Take it at your own pace
Before we start rushing you and attempting to tell you all you need to understand, one thing you must understand is that you must go at your own speed. One of greatest things about OlliOlli World would be that players don’t have to go maximum speed no matter how challenging it gets.
Instead, you can select to complete a level without using all of your lives, or you can try to complete a few of the objectives before attempting the top score. Every level is so re-playable that you can chose to sit on it for as long as you want, or just keep moving through it quickly and returning to it when you’ve completed it. It’s entirely up to you to decide.
OlliOlli World: Initially, don’t worry about high scores
With that in consideration, here’s a piece of advice: don’t go for high scores too soon. The early few worlds have low starting scores, so this should not be too difficult, but you’ll be missing several critical skills needed to gain the top stats, so you may as well wait till you learn them.
We’ll get to one of those in a minute, but you shouldn’t retry a level until you’ve learned the fundamentals. Waiting till the climax of the gameplay to aim for the top score will net you more scores than you think.
OlliOlli World: Know how to manual
Any of you who have ever played a skating game will agree that learning whether to manual is crucial to earning the best scores.
You’ll discover how to manual later in the game. After learning how to handle a manual, you’ll want to try and complete levels using the talent. It’s the biggest thrill in OlliOlli World, but you can only do 3 in a row until the combo ends.
So, these are our top 3 tips for new gamers in OlliOlli World. Feel free to comment below your favourite tip!