Gold is one of the currencies in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, and if you don’t want to spend money on diamonds, you’ll need a good supply of it. This article will teach you how to produce gold rapidly and easily in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds.

Cross Worlds Gold Farming Strategies in Ni no Kuni
There are several methods for obtaining Gold in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds. All of the approaches, as well as our gold farming advice, are included below.
- Getting Rid of Monsters
- Daily Tasks and Quests
- Completing Missions
- Achievements
Getting Rid of Monsters
Taking out monsters is one of the Gold farming strategies given to you from the start of the game. Different creatures will spawn across the map.
You may take them out and get a substantial quantity of Gold and other stuff. You may sell items you get as drops to gain Gold. So the creatures will aid you in two ways in your quest for gold.
You might hunt for creatures that can be killed rapidly in order to harvest gold swiftly. You may also apply an Active Drop Rate Buff to prevent the meaningless drop.
This boost increases the likelihood of obtaining more valuable things that can be sold for greater prices. The more precious the object, the more Gold you’ll get.
Daily Tasks and Quests
In Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, you may accomplish many daily tasks and activities to earn various perks, including Gold.
If you are playing a higher level quest, you may also get valuable things that can be sold for a considerable sum of Gold. To earn a lot of Gold, complete the offered quests and activities on a daily basis.
Completing Missions
Boss challenges in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds may help you harvest a lot of Gold. You will get Gold and other helpful things for beating the bosses.
You may retain the Gold and sell other goods for Gold to swiftly boost your Gold holdings.
Completing milestones in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds may net you a substantial sum of Gold. Go to your accomplishments page to discover which achievements you may complete to earn a lot of Gold.
The more gold you earn, the higher the tier of an accomplishment you complete. Simply finish these and other accessible achievements to harvest a lot of Gold in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds.