Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds is divided into five separate classes, each with its own character creation option. This tutorial will go through character creation in Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds and all of the choices available to create a unique character.

Character Creation in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds
Ni No Kuni has five classes:
- Rogue
- Destroyer
- Witch
- Engineer
- Swordma
Each of these classes has its own particular benefits, and they also have distinctive character creation possibilities.
The class Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds features its own character creation method. Despite having a character creation mechanism, it lacks numerous features.
The first disadvantage of character creation is that all classes are only available to one gender.
Aside from that, there are slight distinctions in character customization for each class, such as Clothing Attire and a few face modification choices.
All of the features and settings available in Ni No Kuni’s Character Creator are listed here.
The features include six alternative hairstyles and ten different color palettes.
Color of the Eyes
Each class has two levels of Eye Colors, with each layer offering ten distinct color schemes to pick from.
Personalization of the Face
Each class has six different cosmetic modification choices, ranging from bandages and scars on the face to dark bags under the eyes.
Skin Color
In Ni No Kuni, you may choose from 10 different skin tones and even change the size of your character’s physique with the body type customization option.
You may also choose from the Provided Costume if you want to wear a variety of apparel outfits.
Body Modification
Body Customization allows you to choose from 10 major color schemes and 10 auxiliary colors for your apparel wear.
After you’ve finished customizing your character, click Conclude to finish the Character Customization process.