Burst Skills are powerful strikes in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds. They are capable of wreaking havoc and causing significant damage to opponents. You’ve come to the correct spot if you’re curious about Burst Skills and how to utilize them in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds.

To begin, you must complete specific prerequisites in order to acquire Burst Skills. Level 20 and Class Grade 1 are examples of this.
Work must be done if these prerequisites have not been met! To advance in the ranks, you’ll need to put in some extra work and concentrate on acquiring some more levels. You’ll have various side quests to choose from, but the main questline of Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds should be plenty.
You may also get several Burst Skills as event prizes. Welcome to Evermore, which is presently running, is one such event. It gives you ten delicious Coupe Bread. For 10 minutes, the Delicious Coupe Bread offers you 100 ATK and +100 HP.
There’s still more! You will acquire the Ebon Taurex, a four-star Familiar in the game, if you accomplish all of the requirements in the Welcome to Evermore event.
In Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, How Do You Use Burst Skills?
It’s time to combat and stretch your strikes in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds now that you’ve achieved Burst Skills. When you’re engaged in combat, check for a gauge towards the bottom-right corner of the screen, near one of the weapon symbols.
This gauge will soon fill up and illuminate, signaling that you are ready to employ the Burst Skills. To utilize the Burst Skills and unleash powerful assaults on your adversaries, click on the glowing symbol.