You may buy valuable things from many vendors in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds. This article will instruct you on how to locate a wandering trader in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds.

Cross-World Traveling Merchant Location in Ni no Kuni
Finding the Traveling Merchant in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds is a simple task. You must journey to the Conquest Mission person Sanson, who is located in the Evermore.
This individual is immediately identifiable on a map. Just make sure you’re at least level 40 before approaching Sanson, the Conquest Mission man. When you find him, just chat to him, and a pop-up screen will appear.
There is a new button in the bottom left corner. When you click the added button, another pop-up window will appear with a certificate icon in the middle. Click the certificate icon, then the Source button in the pop-upper up’s left corner.
This will reveal the certificate’s origin. Traveling Merchant may also be found with the Move button next to it. Simply press the move button and choose the option to reach the Traveling Merchant.
You may either walk or employ the Fast Travel option, which costs 1,750 gold. When you reach the Traveling Merchant, you may buy a variety of valuable products for him.
You may also obtain some free stuff on your first visit. In Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, you may also purchase things such as strange gold sacks and summons from the Travelling Merchant.