Welcome to our guide of “Monster Hunter Rise: Finding and using Big Fin”. Big Fin is a critical crafting element in a variety of weapons and armour sets in Monster Hunter Rise. If you’re having trouble finding the Big Fin site, this guide can help.
Finding Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise
Low Rank Delexes can be found on the Sandy Plains, and Big Fins can be collected from them. When Delexes are carved, they have a 40% probability of dropping a Big Fin, with an additional 39% for knocking them out in a mission.
Delexes are believed to swim under the sand & can be difficult to hit, thus employing the Sonic Bomb to push them above ground is recommended. Surrounding Delexes will jump into the air & flail round on the land if employed correctly. This will allow you lots of time to strike them with your weaponry, making it much easier to farm Big Fins.
Location of Delex
Delexes can be found in Sandy Plains regions 9 and 10. Teleporting to the adjacent Sub-Camp will expedite the procedure. Just run between each place and destroy all of the Delexes once you arrive. You may be able to get as much Big Fins that you want in no time with sufficient runs & a little luck.
That’s all there is to it when it comes to finding and using Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise. Feel free to leave a comment below if you liked the guide.
That was all about ‘Monster Hunter Rise: Finding And Using Big Fin’