Welcome to our guide “Minecraft: How To Create A Compass?”. Minecraft’s compass is different from the actual world’s. This compass points to your spawn instead of the north. It’s very easy to find your home if your spawn is there. Most new gamers don’t instantly know how to create a compass and knowing what to do makes it easier. So, here is the info.

What are the materials needed to create a Compass in Minecraft?
All you require is Four iron ingots & a Redstone dust to create a compass. Iron is not the game’s rarest resources but you must mine to discover them, unlike wood or sand. First, get a stone pickaxe because wooden ones won’t mine iron. With the correct tool, go underground. Despite spawning everywhere, iron can be hard to find. Keep mining, and you’ll find four blocks soon. After mined, iron ore must be smelted into ingots. Sometimes they’re in chests but searching them takes longer than mining.
Under the overworld is Redstone ore. Iron pickaxes perform better than stone ones to mine it. Other than that, Redstone is found just like iron. Simply mine underground to get some. Redstone ore doesn’t need a furnace because it shatters when broken.
How to create a Compass in Minecraft?
When you have Redstone and iron, place the dust in the middle of the crafting table and surround it with iron ingots. They make a compass together. Compasses are no more spawn-only items. Use lodestones to direct them at something. It needs eight cut stone bricks as well as a netherite Ingot. Once made, a lodestone compass seems easy to manufacture. Just right-click on a lodestone with a standard compass in hand. The device will point to the block rather than your spawn. This works in all dimensions, but not others. An overworld compass won’t go to a Nether lodestone. Still, it’s a game-changing item.
So, this was our guide “Minecraft: How To Create A Compass?”. Feel free to leave a comment below!