Welcome to our guide of “Minecraft: How Can You Find Lush Caves?”. Minecraft’s Caves & Cliffs release gave us beautiful caves with an enlarged subsurface system. This latest biome is lush with greenery, but might be hard to find. You’ve arrived to the perfect place if you’ve been searching for a lush cave.

How can you find Lush Caves in Minecraft?
Looking for the azalea tree at the surface is one of the simplest ways to find a lush cave. The leaves of these trees are blended with azalea blooms and are created from regular oak planks. Azalea trees grow in lush subterranean biomes, allowing you to use them as a marker. An azalea tree grows in the heart of spruce trees in the photograph above, indicating that a lush cave exists beneath. All you have to do is dig lower when you locate an azalea tree.
The azalea tree’s roots are comprised of rooted dirt and spread lower till they meet the lush cave. Digging downwards in Minecraft is generally not a smart idea, so be cautious while digging downhill from the azalea tree. Take a foot back when you detect moss and construct a larger opening so you could see into the cave. There’s a chance a lush cave is as large as the one shown above. If this is the situation, you may die as a result of burrowing through the ceiling.
Which Biomes have Lush Caves?
In contrast to other biomes within Minecraft, lush caverns have an identical chance of spawning independent of the surface biome. A lush cave, for example, can be found both under a taiga and within the badlands.
So, this was our guide “Minecraft: How Can You Find Lush Caves?”. Feel free to leave a comment below! Stay tuned for more such guides related to all your favorite and exciting games.